Advanced Speech
Woodruff, DeKalb, Marengo
Campfire Games...
Campfire Games and Improv games are a great way to break down one's nervousness about speaking in public. They are a method to make everyone in a group feel equal to one another by making everyone simultaneously feel goofy, weird, awkward, knowledgeable, fun, etc. Once students have shared that experience, they often lose some of their fears of speaking in front of this group. Once students speak several times in front of a group where they feel comfortable, it becomes easier to speak in other groups where they might not feel as comfortable.
Elements of Public Speaking Delivery
Serious Debate topics -->click here
Social Occasion Speech - Social Occasion Speech Notes
20-20 Speeches - Moorhouse - Holesha - Gemeinhardt - Ganvik - Broling
Informative Speech Reflection Assignment: click here
Informative Speech Videos: Click below...
Bolanos - Broling - Dooley - Ganvik - Gemeinhardt - Hoffmeyer - Holesha - Johnson - Knutson - LaMontagne - Lundquist - Millikan - Moorhouse - Riley - Shute - Tannhauser - Vazquez - Werle