Guilford High School - English 12
General Information:
General Information:
Google Classroom will be used for all Assignment postings - Classroom Code: 7a0cr7
Sign up for the Remind app text message communication: text "@CzCapstone" to 81010
Quarter 1 - Problem and Proposal
Quarter 1 - Problem and Proposal
Select a problem
Research the problem
Write a proposal (Project/Solution)
Investigate the viability of the project/proposal
Quarter 2 - Investigation and Planning
Quarter 2 - Investigation and Planning
Plan out the project (Project management)
Begin executing the project
Presentation on progress
Semester 1 Final Exam
Semester 1 Final Exam
Reflection Essay, reflecting on project and progress
Quarter 3 - Execution and Reflection
Quarter 3 - Execution and Reflection
Execute the Project
Collaborate with peers and mentors weekly
Complete the project
Write a reflection essay of the project
Quarter 4 - Presentation and Evaluation
Quarter 4 - Presentation and Evaluation
Develop presentation skills
Evaluate peer presentations
Present to a Community Panel
Semester 2 Final Exam
Semester 2 Final Exam
Reflection Essay, reflecting on presentation experience