College Writing
Marengo Community High School - English 12
Many links will be permanently inactive as I lost the data during a transfer... If you need any materials immediately, please E-mail Mr. Czerwin
This course has been designed to resemble an advanced college writing class. The main goals of this course are to improve a student’s positive writing abilities and to prepare them for the world of advanced collegiate writing. The purpose of the class is to enable students to engage successfully and comfortably in any type of writing customarily done far beyond high school by using a rigorous writing process. Moreover, this course will focus on improving general writing skills and on the revision and editing practices that are necessary to achieve excellent writing. Students study essayists in different forms while applying this study to writing their own various essays.
The syllabus is listed first, and students should first be familiar with the rules, expectations, and calendar for the course. Next, the grading rubric is provided for students. This rubric is used on all assignments and is a generally good tool for measuring the qualities of any piece of writing. Students will complete assignments as described in the syllabus. All materials for completing the assignments have been provided below. Class time will be used for workshop, lecture, independent work time, and collaborative exploration of all things writing. The student's job is to identify areas that he or she wishes to improve and then to do the tasks necessary to improve in those areas. The teacher will act as a guide/coach to help the student identify areas that need improvement and help the student better understand concepts which will lead to improved writing products.
Grammar/Style Notes and Handouts:
Simile, Metaphor, and Personification - Sense Words - Vivid Verbs
Cliches, Hyperbole, and Idioms - Cliche Letter - Why cliche is weak
Combining Sentences - Sentence Patterns - Sentence Scaffolding
Wordiness Examples & Revision - Wordiness Practice - All about Word Choice
Plagiarism - Plagiarism (again) - Citation Builder - Using Quotations
The bulk of the coursework is listed below. For each assignment, you'll find the assignment sheet, the rubric, related notes, professional examples, and student examples. Each assignment lists the topic requirements, format requirements, hints/tips, topic ideas, thesis format, and organizational format. The professional examples are provided as a way for the student to see how professional writers employ that type of writing. Student examples are provided for two purposes: 1) so the current student can see, realistically, what former students have produced for this essay, and 2) so that the student can assess the example to see how they would improve that example. Student examples are sometimes excellent products, sometimes they are weak in some areas, and a few student examples are weak in many areas. Each student should apply the rubric to these examples to help see which aspects of the example are strong and which are weak. Finally, many of the examples are just plain fun to read!
1) Description Essay
Description Essay Assignment - Description Essay Rubric - Descriptive Writing Notes
Lesson Plans for Descriptive Essay
Professional Descriptive Essays:
Kew Gardens by Virginia Woolf - Kew Gardens by Virginia Woolf (diigo) - The Mute Sense by Diane Ackerman - Left SInk by Ellery Akers
Student Descriptive Essays:
The Basement - A Second Chance at Freedom - The Piano - Devil's Lake - Exotic Pineapple - A Horse Named Angel - Medieval Battlefield - Misperceived Friend - Mountain Climbing - Beauty Pageant - My Truck - Ride to Softball - Jamfest
2) Comparison/Contrast Essay:
Comparison/Contrast Assignment - Comparison/Contrast Rubric
Lesson Plans for Comparison/Contrast Essay
Professional Comparison/Contrast Essays:
The Transaction: Two Writing Processes by William Zinsser - Academic Selves by Mary Pipher (ONLY read "Academic Selves", not the whole book!) - That Lean and Hungry Look by Suzanne Britt - (I Want a Wife by Judy Brady - In All Ways a Woman by Maya Angelou)
Student Comparison/Contrast Essays:
Mobile Phone Comparison - Public v Private Universities - Didion v Elbow, Author Comparison - Pepsi v Coca-Cola - Hercules - Good Boys v Bad Boys
3) Process Essay:
Process Essay Assignment - Process Essay - Rubric
Professional Process Essays:
The Maker's Eye by Donald Murray - The Embalming of Mr. Jones by Jessica Mitford - On Dumpster Diving by Lars Eighner - How to Cram by Jill Young Miller
Student Process Essays:
'93 Honda Civic - Angering Mr. Czerwin - Creative Release - Essay on Nothing - Feeding a Snake - Fried Bologna Sandwich - Homecoming T-Shirt - How to Fail a Class - Lying - Middle School Dating - USMC Recruiting - Subway Sandwich - Asking a Girl to Prom - Subway Sandwich - Villainy - Surviving Clerical Work
4) Causal Analysis Research Essay:
Causal Analysis Research Essay - Assignment - Causal Analysis Research Essay - Rubric
Purdue OWL - MLA Style, Documentation, and Formatting
Professional Causal Analysis Essays:
Is Google Making Us Stupid? by Nicholas Carr - Why We Crave Horror Movies by Stephen King - Kids in the Mall: Growing Up Controlled by William Kowinski
The Scapegoat We Love to Hate by Jonathan Kellerman (Read pages 71-79) - Network and Cable TV by Kyle Pope (Read pages 63-69)
Student Causal Analysis Essays:
Effects of Video Games - Media Effects on Teens - Not Brushing Teeth - Not Writing a Causal Analysis - School Success - Baby Intelligence - Disney Housewives
5) Classification Essay:
Classification Essay - Assignment - Classification Essay - Rubric
Professional Classification Essays:
The Plot Against People by Russell Baker
Student Classification Essays:
In Search of the Comic - Midnight Diners
The Clothing Down Under - Enchanted Tales of Texters - The Female Support Network - Lovely, Lusty, and Lucky Lips - Muffins - Public Bathrooms - Sista, Say What? - What's Really in the Purse? - The Essentials of Bathing Suits
6) Argumentation Essay:
Argumentation Essay - Assignment - Argumentation Essay - Rubric
Monroe's Motivated Sequence - Notes - Pathos, Ethos, Logos - Notes - Slanting by Selection - Activity
Professional Argumentation Essays:
The Nation: Sick and Tired of No Sick Leave - Not All Role Models Need to be Positive by Frank DeFord
Student Argumentation Essays:
Don't Feed the Plants - Humanity Drifting - JBiebs 4 Prez 2032 - Man's Best Friend Isn't a Dog - Stone Baker's Pizza is the Best - This Paper Deserves an A - Understanding Desire - Victor Wooten - Twilight is Real - FRIENDS - Date a Nerd
"The ink of a scholar is worth more than the blood of a martyr." -Chinese proverb
*) Definition Essay:
Professional Definition Essays:
Student Argumentation Essays: