One of my greatest passions is the game of chess. I played chess as a kid, but never seriously. During my final year of college, I began playing chess more seriously with a friend of mine. Over that spring break, we played daily for hours and hours; I was hooked. My first year teaching, at Washington Gifted Middle School in Peoria, IL, all teachers were asked to offer Enrichment classes once a week, and I chose chess. That was my first experience teaching the game, and it took off from there. In Marengo, I started a chess club; the superintendent took notice and suggested very strongly that I turn the club into a team. The following year, I was the first coach of the Marengo High School Chess Team. 4 years later, we won the ICCA Division 1A State title, and I was named the 2012 ICCA Coach of the Year. I have continued playing, coaching, and volunteering whenever possible. In 2014, Everyman Chess published my first book, "Chess Progress: From Beginner to Winner." I have branched out into Tournament Directing, as well; directing several IHSA events and USCF events each year. Below, I've compiled a list of my chess work and achievements.
Chess Organizer
Founded "Prairie View Hobbies" in May of 2024
Chess Tournament Director
Unrated Chess Directing
IHSA/ICCA Chess Tournaments (unrated, Board-Team + Open sections)
Argo Team Tournament (2020*)
Aurora Charger Challenge (2017, 2018)
Bolingbrook Raider Tournament (2016, 2017, 2018, 2020*)
Chicago Prep Bowl (2017, 2018, 2022, 2023)
Highland Park Giants Classic (2022, 2023, 2024)
Hinsdale Central Red Devil Chess Challenge (2018, 2019, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024)
Huntley Red Raider Tournament (2022, 2023, 2024)
Illini Classic Tournament (2021*)
Joliet Steelmen Invitational Tournament (2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020*, 2021, 2022, 2024)
North Boone Individual/Team Tournament (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, spring 2017, fall 2017)
Oswego East Wolves Classic (2024)
Palatine Pirate Tournament (2019, 2020*, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024)
Sandburg Eagle Tournament (2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020*)
Sterling Invite Tournament (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2020*)
Tinley Park Thunderbolt Invitational (2023, 2024)
NICL Conference Tournament (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021*, 2022)
NSCL Conference Tournament (2021*, 2025)
SPC Conference Tournament (2018, 2019, 2022, 2023, 2024)
IHSA Sectionals (2018, 2019, 2020, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025)
IHSA State Chess Tournament (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, Head Steward: 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025)
IESA State Chess Tournament - (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025)
Chicago Public Schools N&S Playoffs - Backroom Asst. (2018)
WI High School Online Rapid State Championship (2021)
I also direct many other unrated tournaments, activity booths, and more for local events.
* - Online event due to COVID-19
USChess Rated Tournament Directing
Senior Level USCF Tournament Director certification, October 2022
Local Level USCF Tournament Director certification, December 2016
Club Level USCF Tournament Director, June 2014
USCF rated events (full history here)
03/27/2024 - Maze Books Rated Quads 01 (Chief TD)
03/09/2024 - Illinois K-8 State Championship (Backroom Chief)
03/08/2024 - 2024 Illinois K-8 Blitz (Chief TD)
02/18/2024 - US Amateur Team North (Section Chief, U1600)
02/17/2024 - Northern Blitz Championship (Chief TD)
11/19/2023 - Illinois Class State Championship (Floor Chief)
06/16/2023 - International Youth Championship (Tournament Chief Assistant, Backroom)
06/18/2022 - LVICF Youth Blitz (Tournament Chief Assistant, Backroom)
06/16/2023 - LVICF Trophy Tournament (Tournament Chief Assistant, Backroom)
03/12/2023 - Illinois K-8 State Championship (Section Chief, Jr. High)
02/19/2023 - US Amateur Team North (Section Chief, U2200)
02/19/2023 - Northern Blitz Championship (Chief Asst. TD)
11/20/2022 - Illinois Class State Championship (Chief Tournament Director)
06/13/2022 - International Youth Championship (Tournament Chief Assistant, Backroom)
06/10/2022 - LVICF Trophy Tournament (Tournament Chief Assistant, Backroom)
06/10/2022 - LVICF Youth Blitz (Tournament Chief Assistant, Backroom)
03/12/2022 - 2022 Illinois K-8 Championship (Backroom Chief)
02/18/2022 - 2022 US Amateur Team-North (Sec. Chf. TD)
11/21/2021 - Illinois Class State Championship (Tnmt. Chf. Asst. TD)
08/01/2021 - US Junior Open (Assistant Chief)
07/31/2021 - Caveman Chess Camp, Quick Chess (Chief TD)
07/25/2021 - Caveman Chess Camp, Sunday Blitz (Chief TD)
06/16/2021 - National Open (Pairings TD)
05/08/2021 - National Online Scholastic Championship, Qualifier Weekend #2 (K3 Section, Floor)
04/10/2021 - US Junior Congress Online - National Championship (Floor)
06/30/2019 - US Junior/Senior Open (Floor, Section)
04/13/2019 - National All-Girls K-12 Championship (Section Chief-U10)
03/16/2019 - USChess HS Nationals (Asst. Section Chief-U800)
03/09/2019 - Illinois K-8 Championships (Section Chief-Jr. High)
02/02/2019 - Greater Chicago K-12 Championship (Section Chief-K12 Reserve, Backroom)
11/18/2018 - Illinois Class Championships (Section Chief-Class A-B-C, FloorTD)
08/05/2018 - 119th Annual US Open (Floor TD; 6-Day +Blitz)
05/20/2018 - Ice Harbor Open (Floor, Sect. Chief)
04/22/2018 - National All-Girls K-12 Championship (Backroom Asst.)
03/11/2018 - Illinois K-8 Championship (Asst. Floor)
02/03/2018 - Greater Chicago K-12 Championship (Asst. Backroom)
11/19/2017 - Illinois Class Championships (Assistant Section Chief -Floor)
07/22/2017 - RRC Inaugural Tournament (Chief TD)
12/31/2016 - Northern Illinois Wrap-Up, (Asst Chief TD)
11/20/2016 - Illinois Class Championships, (Asst. Section Chief-4 sections)
02/28/2015 - M*A*S*H Memorial Open, (Asst. Chief TD)
09/13/2014 - Everyman's Chess Progress Open, Tournament (Asst. Floor)
06/28/2014 - 4th George Orwell Memorial Open, Tournament (Asst. Floor)
Chess Player
USCF Player #14800865
Online: - CzTeacherMan
Chess Coach
Created and Coached the Guilford High School (Rockford) Chess Team 2012-present
Ran a successful Donors Choose campaign for 4 Chess Team Chromebooks in 2017
Earned the Illinois Chess Coaches Association "Chess Coach of the Year" in 2012
Created and Coached the Marengo Community High School Chess Team 2007-2012
MCHS won the ICCA Division 1A State title in 2012
Assisted Coach Bryan Devine of the Woodruff High School (Peoria) Chess Team 2006-2007
Coached the Washington Gifted Middle School (Peoria) Chess Club 2005-2006
Chess Volunteer
Serve as ICCA Representative to the IHSA Chess Advisory Committee from 2022-present
During the 2020-2021 school year, when COVID-19 shut down in-person, over-the-board chess, I developed a system using freely available online resources to run board-team matches and tournaments; this allowed the Illinois high school scholastic chess season to continue almost entirely as it had previously, just through online tools. Dozens of teams across the state participated in multiple tournaments, culminating with a Final event that brought together 113 teams with nearly 1000 players involved.
Secretary of the Illinois Chess Coaches Association (2011-present) - duties include maintaining the website (, producing the quarterly newsletter, and maintaining statewide competition results and records
Secretary & Score Keeper of the Northern Illinois Chess League (2011-2022) - duties include maintaining the website, collecting and processing conference results and records, and directing the annual conference tournament
Founded Rock River Chess, April 2017. Rock River Chess is a US Chess Affiliate, and our goals are to organize chess clubs, events, and competitions in the Rock River area (Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin)
Illinois Chess Association Bid Committee Member, appointed March 2017
Represented Districts 4&6 on the IHSA Chess Advisory Committee from 2015-2017
Working with The Element of Rockford, organized "Chess at the Oop" at The Owly Oop Sports Pub every Tuesday night starting in October 2017.
Working with The Element of Rockford, organized "Chess on the Docks" at Prairie Street Brewing Co. every Tuesday night June through September 2017.
Helped to organize "Chess in the Park," April 28th, 2017. This was a senior Capstone project of Jefferson HS (Rockford) senior Ozzy Flores, and Rock River Chess provided clocks and competition forms. It was a collaboration with Ozzy, Rockford Scholastic Chess, and Jefferson HS coaches Joe Guth and Roland Brown.
Operated a chess activity tent at the Rockford City Market in 2016, 2017, and 2018
Organized and Operated a monthly "First Fridays" chess tent June-September 2016, 2017, 2018 with The Element of Rockford
Helped organize and run the "Chess + Beats" event - Collaboration with the Hip Hop Congress (January 18, 2014) as part of the "All Elements" series
Ran a 4-week instructional chess workshop at the Belvidere Public Library (2013)
Ran an instructional chess workshop at the Rockford Public Library (2009, 2010, 2017)
Founded the Marengo Chess Club that met weekly at a local sandwich shop (2008-2012)
Chess Writer
Wholesale Chess - Blog Articles
Based on a Facebook tip from my favorite chess equipment retailer, Wholesale Chess, I made an arrangement to write several articles about chess and coaching. Between 2010 and 2012 the articles were published. I had a great time writing them, and maybe someday, I'll turn them into a memoir about my early years coaching chess. Links to the articles are below:
The following articles are no longer published
Chess Progress: From Beginner to Winner
Published in September, 2014, this book aims to take the reader on a journey from complete novice, knowing nothing at all about chess, to a level at which he or she can play a game of chess with a sufficient grasp of strategy and tactics to give a good account of themselves and gain pleasure from the game. Through the series of lessons in his book Erik Czerwin imparts the basics of chess playing to the reader in a clear and easy-to-follow fashion.
The lessons begin with the simplest possible position, the empty board, and progress to the most complex, the opening. By first examining the empty board, a player can begin to understand the intricacies of the game at their most basic level. Next, each piece is examined by itself as it relates to the board. After an explanation of the endgame and notation, the sequence continues by examining the three elements of chess strategy. This is followed by an explanation of the next simplest position, two kings on an empty board. After this, a single pawn is added. This sequence continues so that the player learns to incorporate each new fundamental concept in layers, progressing until the game reaches its most complex point, the first move.
Each section builds upon the previous one in such a way that, even on the first page, the student is learning the fundamentals that the top rated players use when forming their strategies and brilliancies.
Award-winning chess coach Erik Czerwin's unique training method begins by studying the simplest chess positions with very few pieces - and then moves on, step by step, adding more pieces to the board. Complex ideas are always built up from simpler situations, ensuring that the learning curve stays flat. With helpful exercises throughout, Chess Progress is the perfect book for every chess enthusiast.
The ideal chess book for the beginner; the ideal chess book for the improving player; the ideal chess book for the teacher. Absolute beginners can learn everything they need to know in order to play chess competitively. More experienced players will encounter deeper concepts and be able to approach chess from a new perspective, enabling them to take their play to the next level.